Sunday was a not so great day. A friend of mine had made some choices a few weeks back and ended up having some folks sayin some things about her that weren't so nice, which, me being me, got me all kinds of upset. There aren't a whole lot of things I'll say about myself that are really positive, but one thing I'll say is that I'm loyal, so when somebody who's close to me is having issues, well, I get all tied up. so that really bothered me and I spent quite a bit of Sunday being on edge and doing my best to defend my friend without making the shit storm worse.
And we won't even talk about yesterday. Let's just say major stress, and leave it at that.
A few good things did come though. A few days ago one of my friends blogged about a friend that she'd kinda lost touch with over the last couple of months, and had been reconnecting with within the past week, and how that made her happy. As I read it, I didn't really think she was talking about me, but I thought about how I could kinda fit into that same scenario, and that made me feel pretty good. Anyway, within a day or so after she blogged, we were chatting and I mentioned having read that, and how even though I didn't think she was talking about me, it had made me feel good anyway. She was like, you doofus, it WAS you! lol Well, let me tell ya, that really did make me feel like a million bucks. She's one of those friends that means a ton to me, but I know I don't tell her that often enough, so to know that our reconnection made her feel as happy as I am about it, well, yeah, it was a great feeling.
And another friend and I have also reconnected. Life just kinda got in the way and we hadn't talked much in the last few months, but we've been talking more lately too, and I'm so glad. She's another one who doesn't know how much she means to me, even though sometimes it takes a stressful situation to get us back together again, lol.
Oh oh oh!! And I almost forgot this. Some of you who know me, and know my digi-scrapping addiction, know that I have LONG been in love with Kristin Cronin-Barrow's designs, and have dreamed of being on her CT. Well, Friday night I got a DM from her on Twitter, asking if I'd like to join her team as her ad maker and a promo type girl for her. OMGosh!! Are you kidding me? So, I'm now Kristin's ad maker and I couldn't be more thrilled to have joined her team.
And on that positive note, I'll shut up for today, lol. I'll leave you with some of my recent layouts, well, cause it's my blog and I can do things like that, lol

this one is from Aaron's (Sir Scrapalot) release from last week. Kinda love this kit. It's actually one of my favorites of his.

And one from Traci Reed. This birthday kit is absolutely adorable. I LOVE the little animals in it, and she drew them all herself! How awesome is that?

And finally, this one is from Meghan Mullens. She's doing an alphabet collection this year, and I am in LOVE with this idea. This is the 2nd kit in the series, and it's so bright and girly, I just love it.
That's it for now...I'll have some more stuff to share later. Til then,
Live, Laugh, Love
Life is so much better when you do!