Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14 and Week 2 layout

January 14
Originally uploaded by Sally Bouley
So one of my goals this year is to get healthier. I blogged earlier about needing to lose about 35 pounds, and I also need to get off the diet coke and drink more water. So I've set a goal to drink at least 96oz of water a day. To encourage myself, I bought a Pur water pitcher. I'm doing pretty well so far. I've been drinking more than 120oz of water a day for the last couple days. Yay me! lol.

Here's my layout for Week 2. I have to admit I'm really very happy with myself that I've kept up with doing this so far. I know, I's only week 2, but week 2 last year I'd already given up on the layouts, lol.

Week 2 layout, originally uploaded by Sally Bouley.


Sparkle Chi said...

I love the shot of the new Pur water filter. Good luck drinking more water, it will make losing those extra pounds a lot easier to have the water to help flush the system out.. it is so important for us moms to remember to take care of ourselves.

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